Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Foot: I (heart) Novels

Before reading this article I didn't know people wrote novels on their cell phones.  I guess you could do pretty much anything on phones now.  I have a smartphone and I can go online and get an app for just about anything.  I can even post to this blog from the Blogger app I have on my phone. 

I can't believe the people who have written cell phone novels got them published too.  Some of them were even adapted for manga, and film.  It is really hard to believe that they have that large a following.  It's even harder to believe that a lot of people look down on the people who have written cell phone novels.  Even the authors of the cell phone novels don't think of them as real literature.  It seems that a lot of these cell phone novels are based on true stories and I think these people are brave to put their stories out there for everyone to read.

I think this would be a good assignment for students.  I think they need to learn different ways to write.  They need to know that stories have not always been told at once.  A lot of stories were told in serial form.  It would help the students realize that their stories have to keep making sense especially when they are written in serial form because the audience could wait a week or even a month before they get the next installment.  I think a good way to have the students execute this assignment would be a class magazine or something.  Or if all the students had access to computers they could each have a blog.  Students need to be exposed to different ways to get their stories to an audience.


  1. I really like the fact that you pointed out that no story has been told twice, let alone I fully believe every story is told differently depending on how you write it. For instance, a personal story written on a cell phone can be told very differently if it was constantly being edited in a written novel or if it was put down in song lyrics. This article is a great way for people to realize how quickly our technology is transforming. Even right now I'm am posting this comment on my best friends iPad and I have my own smartphone. I love that I can check my email and get online anytime I need.

  2. I don't like the idea of people using their cell phone to do everything,however,I like the idea of studens having the access to do school work anytime. It isnt that someone is typing on their cell phone that makes the literature less atrractive to me, it is the idea athat a cell phone and new age materials can influence literature that gets me.

  3. I don't like people getting published this way, but completely agree that this is a great way to start writing and even to enjoy it. I love that you suggested this as an activity for students! This would really get them involved and would essentially fix one of the biggest complaints students have about literature, especially canonical lit: "Why don't they just say it so I can understand?" This activity could give them an opportunity to tell a story the way they'd tell it, in a way they would like. Coupled with a novel this could also prove to be an interesting tool to analyze the text while putting it into your own words.
