Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pytash: Final Reflection

Wow what a semester!!! I can't believe this semester is almost over.  I really enjoyed this class this semester.  It was great knowing everyone from last semester.  I liked focusing on The Great Gatsby because we could really dig into the text and find some interesting teaching techniques. 

I also liked the blog.  It helped keep me focused and I knew when I needed to get readings done and I was able to see what the rest of the class thought about the readings too without having a loud group discussion in class.  I learned a lot from reading others blogs.

I enjoyed the Expert Group Presentations and the Facilitating Classroom Discussions projects.  I think they gave us great experience and it made me comfortable because I was teaching in front of people I knew and not a room of strangers.

I wish we had more time for the Firestone Project.  I think it is great that we got to go back to Firestone but there wasn't a lot of time after the going to Firestone to complete the project.  I wish we had time in class after going to Firestone to talk about the project before it was due.

The Pairing the Classics and Young Adult Literature is the most challenging assignment of the semester.  It was really hard to find the time to read the two books for that assignment because of everything else going on this semester.  But I do think it is a great project.  I would like to pair young adult literature with classics when I am a teacher.

I think I learned a lot in this class. Not only from the homework and assignments but from my fellow classmates too.  Thanks everyone for a great semester.


  1. I feel like I've learned the most from this class this semester. I agree, I think more time after Firestone to work on the project would have been great, but I did definitely enjoy going back to Firestone and am glad that I'm student teaching there. I liked the chance of teaching the class and using the Great Gatsby during the whole semester. While not my favorite book, it works because most schools read it and we were able to really dig into it. The only thing is that I wish we had more chances to practice writing lesson plans, even if only by a couple more.

  2. Definitely agreed on the Firestone project! I really loved being there and was a great experience, but I wish we had more time there. Maybe we're all just anxious pre-service teachers who want to get in the classroom all the time. hahaha.

  3. Haha...we're totally all super-anxious! But, it was awesome to establish that sort of an individualized plan with one student. It's also some food-for-thought about how great the task of trying as hard as we can to personalize students' education will be when we start really teaching.

  4. I also wish we had more time at Firestone. I was upset that we missed the one day because of the snow day. I really wanted to spend more time there, and wish that we got to tutor more. I was sincerely impressed with everyone's determination. When I looked around the library,as corny as it sounds, I felt like we were all making a difference.
