Thursday, April 14, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading/Watching

I have been noticing lately there are a lot of movies that are coming out that were adapted from books.  Every time I see a movie that was a book, I want to read the book first.  I read all the Harry Potter books before I saw the movies.  I also read the Twilight series before I saw the movies.  There are a lot of other books out there that I want to read before I see the movie.

I want to read Eat, Pray, Love before I see the movie.  I know Julia Roberts is in the movie so it will probably be good.  But I want to read it first.  I just feel like I get more out of the book and the movie if I read it first.  If I see a movie before I read the book then I can't help thinking about the characters on the screen.  I would rather form my own images in my head while reading.

Another book I want to read before I see the movie is Water for Elephants.  I saw the previews for the movie and it looks very interesting.  I won't be able to get Reese Witherspoon out of my head when I read it since I already saw the previews but she looks like she plays a good part anyway, so hopefully I won't be disappointed.

I read The Devil Wears Prada before I saw the movie.  I really liked the book.  The movie was good, I think they did a great job casting the characters, however the ending was different and I didn't like that.  There are several movie versions of books where they change a plot line or an ending and I don't like that at all.

One of my favorite TV series was a set of books first.  True Blood was adapted from a series of books written by Charlaine Harris.  The books are very good.  The main character Sookie is a little different than I pictured her.  There are also a lot of plot differences from the books.  There are a lot of little side plots in the show that were not in the books.  But I really like the show anyway.  I try to separate the show from the books in my mind because there are so many differences.  If I think too much about the differences then I can't enjoy watching the show. 

If they keep making movies from books, I am going to have a giant stack of books I need to read and there will be a lot of movies I won't get to see in the theater because there is no way I will get the books read before the movie is out of the theater.  Oh, well.  That is what DVD's are for.


  1. I usually do like the books better than the movies as well. However, (and I will probably get yelled at by someone in class for this) I think Nicholas Sparks books make way better movies than they do novels. I don't know, something about his writing style bugs me and I don't like his books, but I love all of the movie versions I have seen.

    I haven't read Water for Elephants; I want to, but I also heard from my cousin that it's sort of boring. However, she did have to read it for class, so that was probably a factor. I love that Reese Witherspoon is in the movie but I can't help but feel like she is sort of lowering herself as an actress by working with Robert Pattinson. My personal opinion, will probably get more yells from this. But I think she is a great actress and he is not good at all. I do want to see the movie anyway!

  2. I agree with you about Robert Pattinson. I don't like him in the Twilight movies. He isn't how I pictured Edward at all. I pictured Edward more sophisticated than that. And with more muscles..... Robert Pattinson is too skinny.

  3. I read the Sookie Stackhouse series before I even knew it was a tv series and I'm so glad I did. I loved the books! I own Water for Elephants but I haven't read it yet, but I've heard it's really great. I agree that reading the book first allows you to form your own images and I believe that adds to the movie experience.

  4. I totally agree with having a huge pile of books that movies were inspired by! I personally like reading books before I see the movie so that my imagination isn't tainted by the actors or changes from the book to screen.
