Thursday, April 28, 2011

Foot: Graphic Novels

Text and Dialogue

In Pinocchio all text balloons were round. In Naruto there were two different kinds of text balloons, the round ones were used for regular dialogue, for excited or emotional speech or for yelling the balloons were jagged.

In both graphic novels captions were in square boxes.  In Pinocchio they were used in the beginning to tell the back story and a little throughout the rest of the story for "flashbacks".  In Naruto there were not many.

Naruto used a lot of lines to show motion, like when they were fighting. There was also swirly lines when there was magic. Pinocchio also used lines when Pinocchio was jumping through the air.  There was also fire when the vampires died.

In Pinocchio Geppetos shop is labeled. In Naruto there are a lot of Japanese signs on buildings.  There wasn't a whole lot in either books but there were more in Naruto.

In Pinocchio all of the lettering for dialogue is the same.  The lettering for sound effects is a different font and it isn't in balloons.  In Naruto the font and size of the letters differ depending on emotion and action.  Lettering for sound effects is large and often imitates the sound.

Sound Effects
In Pinocchio there are not many sound effects.  In Naruto there are a lot of sound effects.  There are sound effects for just about all actions and emotions.

Visual Features

In Pinocchio the characters are not very detailed.  All the eyes are blank.  In Naruto there are tons of details.  Everything is very intricate.

There are not many objects in Pinocchio.  There are only necessary objects such as buildings, trees, etc.  There are a lot of objects in Naruto and they are very detailed.  The objects in Naruto are more realistic than the objects in Pinocchio.

The main icon in Pinocchio is his nose.  It is what made him different from everyone else.  Now it is how he kills the vampires.  His nose is what makes him who he is.  The main icon in Naruto is his headband.  It represents his journey into adulthood.

There isn't much scenery in Pinocchio. Most panels focus on the characters.  In Naruto there is a lot of scenery.  Everything is realistic.

Depicted action
There is a lot of action in both books.  Pinocchio has a lot of killing.  I don't think anyone dies in Naruto but there is a lot of fighting.  Naruto had a lot more closeups of fighting.

General Layout and Design

In Naruto the borders are for the most part clearly defined and pretty consistent.  In Pinocchio the borders vary a little bit but not much.
The gutters in Naruto are clearly defined and always there.  In Pinocchio the gutters vary.  Sometimes there are not gutters between the panels at all.

In both novels the panels are all different sizes.  In Naruto the characters always stay in the panels except for extreme action.  In Pinocchio the characters don't always stay in the panel.

Open Panel
In Naruto open panels are used for extreme action.  In Pinocchio open panels are used for something very important.

In Naruto there is a two page splash at the climax of the novel.  In Pinocchio there are a few full page splashes and one double page splash with little panels around it at the climax.

Angles and Frames

In Naruto balloons bleed into other panels with extreme emotion, but characters rarely bleed into other panels.  In Pinocchio characters sometimes bleed into another panel and his nose bleeds into other panels.

Close ups are used in both novels when showing extreme emotion.

Heat shot
This is used in both novels to show emotion and dialogue.

Head-shoulder shot
Again this is used in both novels to show emotion and dialogue.

Full-figure shot
These shots are used in both novels when there is action or more than one character in the panel.

These shots are used in both novels.  Usually characters are very far away.

Extreme longshot
These are used more in Naruto when characters are so far away you can barely see them.

Used in both books for back and forth dialogue.

Rhetorical techniques applied in text, visuals, and design

In Naruto emotion, fighting, and character faces are greatly exaggerated.  The action and fighting were exaggerated in Pinocchio.

I think readers can identify with Naruto because he is a young man and he just wants to be an adult.  He tries his hardest to pass his tests but he still chases girls and gets into trouble.  Readers can identify with Pinocchio because everyone knows the original story of Pinocchio and they want to see what else will happen to him.

The mood of Pinocchio is very dark.  The panels are shaded very dark and it seems like everything happens at night.  The mood of Naruto is light and funny.  He is a teenager who plays jokes which helps lighten the mood.  Even when he is fighting he is making jokes.

Pinocchio is a very simple story.  He wants to avenge his fathers death.  The drawings are very simple too.  Naruto is more complex.  There are a lot of characters and a lot of different things going on, a lot of different side plots.  Even the drawings are complex.

It is ironic in Pinocchio that his father became a vampire and he ends up killing him when he screams that he isn't his father and his nose grows.  It is ironic in Naruto that the "loser" kid ends up being the strongest one.

I think the drawings and the look of Naruto are very realistic.  The buildings and scenery are realistic. Pinocchio is not realistic.  But his nose is symbolic of his power.  Just like Naruto's headband is symbolic of his power.

There is a lot of order in the way Pinocchio is set up.  The panels are easy to follow.  Naruto is not so easy to follow.  I have never read a book that is read backwards before and it was difficult for me.

Both books deal the juxtaposition of good vs. evil but I think it is more evident in Pinocchio.  He his good and he fights vampires who are obviously evil.  In Naruto the town thinks he is evil because of the nine tailed fox that is inside him.  But he thinks of himself as good.

Both Pinocchio and Naruto both only have a very few close relationships.  Naruto has his group that he is training with and his teacher.  Pinocchio has his vampire fighting team.

Point of View
Pinocchio is in Pinocchio's point of view most of the time.  A couple times it is from a different point of view to show something important.  In Naruto there are many different points of view to show all the action throughout the whole story.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was interesting while doing my own graphic novel comparing list, how different these two texts were. I felt like Naruto especially was interesting because I felt like it could really happen. It was so realistic it was like I was looking at photographs or a movie. While Pinocchio had a sort of cartoon like feel to it, at least from my perspective. I don't know it is because I knew the story of Pinocchio so I felt like it was unrealistic or if it was just how the graphics were.
