Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pytash: Canonical Text Wiki Reflection

Bo Rhinehardt
Canonical Text Wiki Reflection

            It was very hard to find twenty different multimedia hyperlinks for my Canonical Text.  Almost every website I went to was a site where you had to pay to get a lesson plan or something.  I think teachers should be more open with their teaching ideas so it isn’t so hard for new teachers to find information.  I think this is a great way for teachers to share what they know about teaching, or what they know about a particular book.  I think I will continue my blog from this class to share my teaching ideas with other teachers.  I wish more teachers would share their ideas.  It shouldn’t be this hard for new teachers to find lesson plans, essay questions, or projects for their students.  If more teachers shared their knowledge with each other teachers would become better at what they do and maybe students will learn more.
I found different project ideas, essay questions, test questions, fun trivia, and creative projects.  All of the questions will help students dig into the novel and develop their ideas for papers or projects.  I think all of the questions are higher thinking questions, not just content questions.
All of the projects are developmentally appropriate for high school students.  My favorite project that I found is the video project where students do a “news cast” with the events from the novel.  Another version of that could be a newspaper.
Students don’t all have to do the same thing.  Students could be given a choice of what project they want to do and that would be good for diverse students.  Not all students learn the same and a choice of project would be good for students so they can show their knowledge in the best way possible.
I learned that this text is centered on the French Revolution and students could do a project discussing the French Revolution.  This would be a great book to read while the students are learning about the French Revolution in their Social Studies class.
This text would be a great book for papers or creative projects.  This isn’t the kind of book that you just have to read and answer questions about.  This is a book students can really dig into and get a lot of information out of.   

1 comment:

  1. It frustrated me so much when things wouldn't even let you preview a lesson without paying for it. I wish there were more sites like with many free lesson plans. I like your idea of student choice.
