Friday, April 22, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading/Watching

I read all the Harry Potter books before I saw the corresponding movies and I'm glad I did.  I was able to form my own opinion of the characters and what I thought they would look like.  I was so surprised to find that when I saw the movies all of the characters were exactly how I pictured them in my head!  I was disappointed that the movies didn't include everything from the books.  I was happy when I found out the final book was going to be broken up into two movies.  I wish they had done that with all of the books.  They could have made each book into a 5 hour movie and I would have watched it.  I am such a Harry Potter nerd that my sister bought me a replica of Harry Potters wand for Christmas one year.

Even though everything from the books wasn't included in the movies I think these are some of the best movies made from books that I have ever seen.  I really hope J. K. Rowling writes more books.   I think she is such a fantastic author that she shouldn't stop at Harry Potter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I agree, I think the casting people did a really good job of finding actors. At the same time, I think the actors really grew into the role, which is always cool, even if it sort of stinks for the actors (only being known for that role). I love Harry Potter and I think it would be amazing if she wrote more books. Although, I don't think it would be that good if she continued Harry Potter or did more in that world, like a lot of people want. I would want her to do something else because otherwise it would be like she was trying to capitalize on her former success.

  2. I loved the first couple of movies, but I felt like the farther into the series the film makers got the worse the movies became. I was really disappointed in the Order of the Phoenix. But I do agree that JK Rowling needs to write more..she's wonderful!

  3. I also agree that the casting was pretty spot on for these films. Although I try to look at movies and books now as two separate pieces of "art," the Harry Potter books are so near and dear to my heart that I get so upset if something is missing. I believe it was the fourth book that they left out Winky and the rest of the house elves that worked at Hogwarts. I was very upset by this because there was so much comic relief because of SPEW, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. I think that this really helped develop Hermonie's character and it introduced some awesome house elves!

  4. The nostalgia for these books is super intense for me. I really grew up on these books and characters, and I have to agree with everyone that the casting was great and they did a pretty decent job transferring the book to the movie. It felt like the books. Yes, there were some holes, and Order of The Phoenix was definitely the worst one to stick to the book, but as an entire movie series, it really reflects Rowling's work well.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Rowling writing more. I mean, it's a career for sure, but it might be creatively poisoned now. There may be no way for her work to stand on its own because she'll always be "the lady who wrote Harry Potter." Always. She'll always have to live in that shadow as a writer and it's hard to break away from that. I hope to see more from her, but I see it being hard to take away as much as I did as reading Harry Potter.
