Sunday, February 27, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading (again)

I just started reading Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.  It is written by Seth Grahame-Smith, he is the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  So far this is a really interesting book.  As far as I know all the facts about Abraham Lincoln are correct... I looked some up online to make sure.  The only difference between this book and an biography about him is that there are vampires in this story.  I think a book like this could help students learn more about Abraham Lincoln without them realizing it.  The vampire bits just seem like they are scary stories or myths people believed at the time.  Even if you overlooked all the vampire bits you will still learn alot about our 16th President of the United States.


  1. I may check this book out. I thought it looked interesting, but I tried Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I didn't like it, but this one did seem like it was more interesting. I should hope the facts are right, though. It would be pretty funny if he had some of them wrong and it wasn't just creative license. I'm all for books like this, where it "changes" the history to make it more fun without actually changing it, but it should still be accurate. I agree with you, I think this would be a good way to get students interested in reading about a president. Another interesting book that is related to Lincoln is "Chasing Lincoln's Killer." The author (can't think of his name and my book's not handy) wrote a really involved novel of the same name, but also a shortened version meant for young adults. It deals with the manhunt for Booth after the assassination.

  2. I have picked up and set down Pride and Prejudice and Zombies about 50 times. I'm just not sold on the idea, however, looking at it from my student's perspective they may find Abe Lincoln and zombies together much more interesting than just Abraham Lincoln on his own. Lincoln is one of my favorite presidents and I think I'll check out this book. Thanks for posting!
