Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Foot: Not so "Pleasurable" Reading

I am sick to my stoumach.  I am sick and tired of reading about teachers who have sex with minors.  I just read this article


and it makes me sick.  Teachers are adults, they are in charge of childrens educations.  They should know better than to have sex with students.  Maybe if they made becoming a teacher harder there would be less perverts in the field. 

When I look at high school students, that is exactly what I see.... HIGH SCHOOLSTUDENTS!!!!  They are CHILDREN!!!!  Anyone who thinks otherwise shouldn't be a teacher.  I'm so sick right now I can't stand it!

Someone needs to think of a way to weed out the perverts before they become teachers.  They are going to give teachers a bad name. 


  1. And I just found this site.


  2. I saw a video about this on CNN. It is extremely troubling. What really stood out to me on the video was the double standard put on teachers which startled me. Nancy Grace was interviewing someone (I don't know if they were from the school or a reporter) and the lady used the words "fooling around with the student." Grace got mad and asked if it was a male teacher and a female student, if it would be considered "fooling around" or if he would be a pervert. She pointed out the difference in how the situations are perceived and how some people see it was a worse crime if a male teacher has sex with a female student.I thought this was a very disturbing way to look at it. It is wrong either way.
    Just thought I would share :)

  3. I agree. On the site I posted in the comments it talked about a female teacher that had sex with a student and she didn't even do any jail time. The judge even said that if it was a male teacher he would have gone to prison. It's not right.

  4. I couldn't agree more. I think of them as children, too, and they are pretty close to the same age as me. If you have ANY thoughts like that, you should not be in an occupation around children. You should want to expand their minds and help them succeed. That's what we are signing up for here, and it should be that way with everyone.

  5. I totally agree that they can give teachers a bad name! My sister is a 9th grader and when I look at her and her friends I think "How old are you guys? About 10 or so?" and then my sister informs me that she is going to turn 16 in October. I always see her and her friends as little kids even though they are growing up. It sickens me to see people in authority take advantage of little kids.

  6. It is so sick to even have this problem in our school system. No matter how old they are, there is no justification for the occurance of these situations. I saw a Lifetime movie about an Elementary or Middle school teacher who had two children by her student before he even reached the age of 18. I makes me happy that these cases aren't taken lightly, but it also makes me wonder about how often things like this happen and go unreported.
