Monday, January 31, 2011

Foot: Oral History of the Internet

I just finished reading the Oral History of the Internet.  I didn't know that they just kind of "accidentally" discovered the Internet.  It seems like none of them think they did anything really big at the time.  They were just winging it.  It was interesting how the article went chronologically from the moment the Internet was invented to now.  I remember when my family got our first computer.  I think it was 1992 and I was 11 years old and we had AOL.  There was e-mail, chat rooms, and games and that was pretty much it.  If I had a report for school I still went to look in the encyclopedias.  Our computer had a word processor on it and I was so happy that I could type my papers on the computer and print them out instead of using the typewriter.  The paper that went into our printer was a real ream of paper, the pages were connected and the edges had holes to help the paper go through the printer.  When it was done printing I had to tear the pages out of the printer and then separate the pages and tear off the edges with the holes.  When I read the article I was remembering how computers have changed as I was growing up.  It was like re-living that time in my life.  It was really neat.

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