Thursday, January 13, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading

All of the talk about technology that we did in class and all the technology that we are reading about made me think about a book I read over Christmas break.  I read a book called Matched by Allie Condie.  This book is young adult literature.  It is set in the future.  It isn't specific about what year it is but I'm guessing at least a couple hundred years in the future.  Something happened to end society as we know it and they rebuilt society.  They thought the people from the old society had too much technology and they had too much of pretty much everything.  They picked 100 Songs, 100 Poems, 100 Lessons.... etc.  They got rid of everything else.  They figured if there was only 100 of everything the people could appreciate things better.  They also had a lot of technology in this new Society.  Every student had a "scribe" which is what they used to write with.  No one knew how to write with their hands, they could only type.  The Society didn't want anyone being able to make new poems or stories or whatever, so they stopped teaching people how to write.  They had computers that matched people to each other too.  People didn't get to choose who they married.  The Society matched people based on likes, dislikes, eye color.... etc.  The Society wanted to have the best possible next generations.  Jobs were also chosen by The Society.   I won't give away the ending of the book because it is a very good book.  But they have some very interesting technology.  I would recommend this book to anyone.  I would even like my students to read this book when I become a teacher.  This book is the first in a trilogy.  The second book is going to come out in November 2011 and the third will come out in November 2012.  If anyone else has read this book I would like to hear your thoughts on it too.


  1. This book sounds extremely interesting. I saw it at the bookstore and the cover caught my attention, but I was unaware of what it was about. Thanks for recommending it. It is going on my ever-growing list of books to read. :)

  2. This book sort of reminds me of Anthem by Ayn Rand in that it's about a futuristic post-apocolytpic society in which the people are completely controlled by a "well-meaning" governing body. It sounds very interesting and I'd like to read it soon! Thanks for the suggestion =)

  3. This book sounds totally like something I would be interested in!!! The plot you just described is right up my alley. I love alternate reality or post-apocalyptic lit. I like having the opportunity to build societies and worlds in my mind. I'm also glad that you said that it is going to be part of a series because I love series books. Literally, I have a whole shelf dedicated to series books!!! (Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Twilight, Percy Jackson, and more)

  4. So I read this book and I thought it was great except the cliffhanger ending! I just want to know what happens and waiting until November will suck! I think it would be a great discussion starter for a dystopian fiction unit.
