Monday, February 14, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading

I am very interested in the iPad but I already have two laptops and a desktop computer.  I was trying to figure out a way to justify buying an iPad anyway.  So i googled the iPad to learn more about it.  I ran accross a blog by a teacher who uses her iPad in her classroom.  She is an English teacher and I found her blog very interesting and I thought everyone else would like to read it too.


  1. IPads interest me as well. I'm a little skeptical that it being all touch screen would cause some problems. The teacher in the blog offered some great ideas on using it in the classroom. It would definitely be useful to take attendance and even to have a digital form of your lesson plans in your hand while walking around assisting students. It could potentially save a lot of trees and could allow you to incorporate PowerPoints and videos in your plans. These types of things could let the students see and here the plan for the day.

  2. I also found that blog very interesting. Before I read it, I could not imagine a way to incorporate an IPad in a classroom (after all they're really just smaller laptops), but after reading the blog I thought the teacher had some really great ideas. I guess this is just another example of why it's important to read other teachers' blogs to get an idea of new and exciting classroom practices.
