Sunday, February 27, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading (again)

I just started reading Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.  It is written by Seth Grahame-Smith, he is the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  So far this is a really interesting book.  As far as I know all the facts about Abraham Lincoln are correct... I looked some up online to make sure.  The only difference between this book and an biography about him is that there are vampires in this story.  I think a book like this could help students learn more about Abraham Lincoln without them realizing it.  The vampire bits just seem like they are scary stories or myths people believed at the time.  Even if you overlooked all the vampire bits you will still learn alot about our 16th President of the United States.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Foot: Pleasure Reading

I am very interested in the iPad but I already have two laptops and a desktop computer.  I was trying to figure out a way to justify buying an iPad anyway.  So i googled the iPad to learn more about it.  I ran accross a blog by a teacher who uses her iPad in her classroom.  She is an English teacher and I found her blog very interesting and I thought everyone else would like to read it too.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Foot: The Battle For Facebook

I just finished reading The Battle For Facebook and I think I am probably the only person in our whole class who doesn't think Mark Zuckerberg is a jerk.  I think he just happened to be the one who launched his site first.  The article even said that the idea of an online social network was buzzing around Harvard.  Just because a couple people had the same idea at the same time doesn't mean that Mark Zuckerberg stole an idea from anyone. 

I don't know why he fired most of his friends or why he alienated alot of people.  The only people who know that are Mark Zuckerberg and his former friends.  I don't really care why.  All I know is he is the inventor of the biggest social network ever.  I have a Facebook app on my phone.  I am never without my Facebook.  Since I am so busy with school, work, and my kids Facebook is how I connect with all of my friends. 

To me this article just made it seem like Mark Zuckerberg did alot of work on Facebook.  The article even said he lost a girlfriend because he was always on his computer writing code.  He wants Facebook to be the biggest thing ever and he doesn't want anyone to take that away from him or to get in the way of his dream.  I don't see anything wrong with that.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Foot: Not so "Pleasurable" Reading

I am sick to my stoumach.  I am sick and tired of reading about teachers who have sex with minors.  I just read this article

and it makes me sick.  Teachers are adults, they are in charge of childrens educations.  They should know better than to have sex with students.  Maybe if they made becoming a teacher harder there would be less perverts in the field. 

When I look at high school students, that is exactly what I see.... HIGH SCHOOLSTUDENTS!!!!  They are CHILDREN!!!!  Anyone who thinks otherwise shouldn't be a teacher.  I'm so sick right now I can't stand it!

Someone needs to think of a way to weed out the perverts before they become teachers.  They are going to give teachers a bad name.